Samsung Galaxy S23 FE revealed the launch date. Earlier this week, announced on its website that the Samsung Galaxy S23 FE will go on sale in India in October. Samsung’s Indian division has now disclosed that the Galaxy S23 FE would go on sale there the following week, on October 4.
Three cameras are shown in the redesigned banner picture for the Korean conglomerate’s X account, which also carries the words “The New Epic” and “Launching on October 4.” Samsung hasn’t disclosed the name of the smartphone, but we do know that this specific teaser alludes to the Galaxy S23 FE.
Samsung Galaxy S23 FE revealed the launch date, Probably on October 4
The company also shared a picture of a new Galaxy Tab on X, which may be the Galaxy Tab S9 FE. Along with that, Amazon modified its promotional page to hint at the Galaxy Buds FE. It is fair to assume that the Samsung Galaxy S23 FE and both of these items will debut in India on Wednesday.
The Galaxy S23 FE is said to include a 6.4″ 120Hz FullHD+ Dynamic AMOLED display, 6GB/8GB RAM, 128GB/256GB of storage, and a 4,500 mAh battery with 25W wired charging, according to speculations. Samsung hasn’t confirmed these details yet. The smartphone will either be powered by the Exynos 2200 SoC or the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 CPU, depending on the location.