Poco X4 Pro 5G launch in India, set for March 28. Xiaomi’s Poco unveiled the Poco M4 Pro and Poco X4 Pro 5G last month. It was announced today that the X4 Pro 5G will be available in India next week – on March 28.The event will start at 12PM local time, and the Poco X4 Pro 5G will be sold through Flipkart.
Poco X4 Pro 5G launch in India, set for March 28
It was revealed by Poco that the Poco X4 Pro 5G in India will feature a 64MP primary camera rather than 108MP elsewhere. Other specifications confirmed by Poco include a 120Hz Super AMOLED screen and 67W charging.
As for the rest of the specifications, it is unclear if the Indian Poco X4 Pro 5G will be identical to its global counterpart or if there will be more differences.We’ll likely find that out in the days leading to the March 28 event. Meanwhile, you can read our first impressions of the Poco X4 Pro 5G’s international variant here.